Lockport United Church of Christ
 Lockport, New York 
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                         Gathering and Praising God

Preparatory Music -- Music playing before the service;
                                        time to pray and prepare for worship
          Our Typical Order of Worship
Our worship services vary, depending on the season, special days, or services of communion, but this typical order of worship will give you an idea of what to expect when you join us for worship.
Welcome and Announcements -- Announcements and concerns about fellow church friends

Prelude -- Music to begin the service

Call to Worship and Community Prayer  -- Responsive Litany and prayer

Gathering Song -- We use the United Church of Christ's "New Century Hymnal", with inclusive language

Prayer for Renewal -- We are invited to a time of confession
     Assurance of Forgiveness

                                          Hearing God's Word

Readings -- Scriptures centering on the theme of the service

Sermon -- Message for the day, from the pastor

Music for Reflection -- Music that reflects the message of the day

                                    Responding to God's Word

Prayers of the People and Lord's Prayer -- Prayers for the people and concerns of our church,
                                                                                for the community, and for the world

Offering -- We offer and dedicate our gifts to God and the church
     Unison Blessing Our Gifts

Song of Dedication -- We close with music

Commission & Benediction -- A final word of blessing, from the pastor

Postlude -- Music playing as we leave

Time of Fellowship -- Conversation and refreshments in the foyer, or a meal in our fellowship hall
80 Main St. Suite H, Lockport, NY  /  Mail: PO Box 427, Lockport, NY 14095
e: lockportunited@roadrunner.com  /  p: 716-433-2545