Lockport United Church of Christ
No Matter Who You Are, or Where You Are On Life's Journey
-- You're Welcome Here!
Welcome to Lockport United Church of Christ
We are pleased that you are interested in learning more about our church.
Our website will give you a glimpse into the life of Lockport United Church of Christ.
The best way to really get to know us is to visit.
We invite you to join us on any Sunday for worship at 11:00 am
to experience Lockport UCC for yourself.
80 Main St. Suite H, Lockport, NY / Mail: PO Box 427, Lockport, NY 14095
e: lockportunited@roadrunner.com / p: 716-433-2545
"Never place a period
where God has placed a comma"
- Gracie Allen
We are an Open and Affirming Congregation
Click HERE for more information and to read our Covenant
If you have a prayer need,
send us your prayer request